Rose Dieta & Plant Spirit Immersion is a 6 week virtual journey of initiation onto the Rose Path, the Path of the Heart in a safe and expansive container. Rose is a sweet, soft and sensual beauty, yet one that stands strong in her power. She invokes a wild feminine essence and awakens innate creativity.
A journey with rose is one of flowering in relationship to self. We spiral through gentle heart opening, energetic boundaries, protection, and connection to the universal flow of love.
How it Works:
Option One: 1:1 Personalized Journey with Rose: This 6 Week experience includes
- Rose Medicine Bundle sent to your home
- Six Personal Calls with deep dive guidance
- Thematic Recordings and Guidance
- 24/7 access to the online Rose Temple
- Deepening exercises: journal prompts, visual guided meditations, medicine making
Option Two: Self Guided Rose Journey + Online Rose Temple: you get 24/7 access to the online Rose Temple materials that support you to go on a self-guided journey into the mysteries and teachings of Rose.
More about the Journey
The Rose Immersion is what we refer to as a soft dieta. This is a focused immersive journey with the spirit of rose guided online.
Over 6 weeks we embark on a deep rose spirit immersion, a form of a Rose Dieta. This journey is uniquely designed to deep dive inwards in a safe and loving space. Rose is the keeper of feminine wisdom. She is a powerful initiatory gatekeeper. Her wise woman power opens many portals within and she is a potent ally for gently taking you to the depth of it all: self-love, compassion, sacred boundaries, embracing shadow parts, grief, sisterhood and mother wounds, as well as sensuality, ecstatic living and joy.
A plant spirit immersion (aka dieta) is about opening a plant spirit communication and means cultivating a deep physical and spiritual connection to the essence of a single plant, through daily practices, rituals and herbal preparations to initiate a reciprocal stream of conscious communication. This immersion builds in embodiment and meditative rituals as it is designed to be an entry point into cultivating your unique relationship with the spirit of the Rose.
The Journey of the Divine Feminine: We will simultaneously move through the feminine journey, embodied by Rose, so you can deepen into self-understanding and self-love. You will understand your cyclical nature so that you can find balance and embrace all parts of yourself.
What Rose Journey Participants are Saying…
Journeying the rose dieta with Kat was so powerfully beautiful. Within this sacred container I was guided deeply into the full spectrum wisdom of what Rose freely offers to us all. It was so wonderful to receive Kat’s high integrity support and guidance as I traversed the mystical and physical planes of Rose’s great teachings and medicine. Through it all I have embodied a richer connection to my own strength and softness with the gained support of the entire ancestral rose lineage of past, present and future. I feel my heart continue to open as I walk the path of beauty with my feet firmly on the ground falling even more in love with life everyday. I am so grateful for this experience! Thank you Kat! ~Janelle
“Kat was a wonderful guide and sister on the Rose Path. She has dived really deep and explored different aspects of the rose medicine which are often overlooked by other practitioners. It was really beautiful to enter her world and dance with the rose together, and feel the depths possible when we connect to our womb and psyche. I really enjoyed the potions, rituals and guided meditations. Kat undoubtedly has a profound and magical connection to the rose and I’m grateful to her for sharing it.” ~Noora
Kat inspired me to invite Rose into my life and guided me to learn how to receive all the important messages she has to offer. Rose continues to guide me to feel more connected, to myself, and to all other life around me. I’m more aware of myself being alive, being human. I feel like I have the essential tools to recognize when and how set boundaries, be more discerning, be more compassionate, and be more expressive. I am forever grateful for my Rose Dieta experience and for my newfound loving relationship with Rose! ~Marla
I feel pretty lucky to have had some wild and wonderful spiritual experiences as I walk my path and my work with Kat was right up there as one of my best journeys to-date. I wasn’t sure what to expect but could hear rose calling to me. Having never done a plant dieta, I knew that some wisdom and guidance would be welcome. I had very few expectations but high hopes that I would connect with rose in the same way that I’ve connected with other plant medicines in a ceremonial setting. The healings that took place with rose were nowhere short of miraculous. I have Kat to thank, and rose of course, two powerful feminine spirits who will be with me as allies forever. Aho! ~Jessica
“Forever grateful for your divine guidance into a deeper connection with this powerful spirit” ~ Ariana
“I have never had this level of an open heart in something that is a grieving process…even though I don’t know what is going to happen, it feels so ok. Working with the rose helped me understand this path of deeper level trust and surrender and coming into myself in such a beautiful way. I was already pretty good with self-love and self-compassion but this took it to a whole new depth of being. This is such important and needed work. This is the real deal. Kat is carrying some really powerful medicine. ” ~ Beth
“I am discovering a lot about myself while beginning this journey really tuning into my body and my cycle. It is so powerful to connect to myself with such love and witness other women doing the same.” ~ Anonymous, from past journey
“I am finished (meditating) and still a bit blown away by her messages and feelings in my body... I set out on this journey with such naivety and emerge in tears of the boundless forces we can access.” ~ Anonymous, shared after a medicine making & meditation ritual with Rose
“We all get stuck sometimes. Either professionally, personally or just in general, with no particular reason. Things seem to go in a slow motion and we have a feeling that we are missing out on things. If you are experiencing a similar feeling, and would like to speed up, set up boundaries or simply learn how to trust your own path, I would recommend to start a Rose Dieta with Kat. After just few sessions and follow-up meditations, decisions will become easy and the right choices… just so obvious! Trust the Rose” ~ Margo
“I can look more into myself, and follow my inner voice! I’m not to shy to ask Rose for support.” ~ Anonymous