Our tours take your experience one step further. We begin with workshops that are then followed by on site visits to see these skills applied firsthand by local communities around the world. We are constantly developing new tours and offerings based on the relationships we build. Currently our offerings include:
Nixi Pae Experience:
- Nixi Pae invites you to work within your internal landscape, understanding your core values. We partner with Nixi Pae Experience to offer vivencias, or visits, to Amazonian villages where we are designing and building sustainable communities alongside indigenous leaders.
- We offer tours around the world with indigenous spiritual leaders offering a deep dive into self and your values system. Following deep internal work with Nixi Pae, Yarrow offers tangible skills for resilient, values based living.
- “From bean to cup” and “From bean to bar”: Come learn and visit an agroforestry system in Peru where these products are produced and processed. See, hear, learn and taste your way through these powerful crops. We offer cuppings and cacao ceremonies for those interested as well and all organic products are available to take home with you.
- We organize tours to sustainable, resilient communities and farming systems globally.